News News HomeNewsNews News News News 2023-06-30 Application of power amplifier in performance test of three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration table Name of experiment:performance test of three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration tableResearch directio 2023-06-28 Application of ATA-2082 high voltage amplifier driving piezoelectric ceramics test Because PZT4 piezoelectric ceramic has the characteristics of low price, stable piezoelectric charac 2023-06-21 Application of ATA-2022H dual channel power amplifier in acoustooptic drive test Name of experiment:construction of acoustic and photoelectric stimulation platform for experimental 2023-06-16 Application of high voltage power amplifier in comprehensive magnetic test Name of experiment:comprehensive magnetic properties testExperiment content:Iwasaki SY-301 test unit 2023-06-13 Drive coil to achieve LED lighting test Name of experiment:drive coil to achieve LED lighting testLED(Light Emitting Diode) is a solid-state 2023-06-07 Application of power signal source in development and test of high voltage side power supply of current transformer Name of experiment: research and development of high voltage side power supply of current transforme Home23456789